With it, the summer brings us endless sunshine, crickets, beach days, humidity and summer projects (am I the only person who still does these?). I figured that while being home all summer on my college break I wanted to learn something. I mean really learn something. something that they won't teach me in music school. I decided to (drum roll please) COOK! And blog about it.
Yes, quite the revolutionary I am. Don't worry though. this isn't all of it.
it's going to be a gluten-free blog! (I can already see the excitement welling up inside you). Most people have no clue what it means that I am gluten free. When I tell people that, I am met with one of two looks.
Look one: monetary pause, tilt of the head, nod, followed by a very uncertain "....ok". which clearly tells me that this person has no clue what I just said.
Look two: eyes widen, eyebrows contort into a furry line of pity, followed by enthusiastic choruses of " I'm sorry's" and a list of all the things that I can't eat.
This blog is for everyone. For the people, by the people (by the people meaning me).It's for those of you who have no idea what gluten even is and are probably thinking right now I'm allergic to gluttony. It's for those who think that I probably only eat lettuce and cheese. And last, but certainly not least, it's for those few, the proud, the gluten-free. Whether you are curious about all of the strange things I eat or are tired yourself of only eating lettuce and cheese, I welcome you.
So back to my summer project. I decided that I am going to cook through a whole gluten-free cookbook this summer, in true Julie and Julia style. I marched myself over to Barnes and Nobles and bought the book with the most pictures and bam. That's how the seed for this project was planted. And really, I am not kidding on the fact that I just chose the one with the most pictures. Gluten free cookbooks never have lots of pictures and it drives me nuts.
So friends, family, countrymen, over the next two months I will attempt to cook through 115 recipes in The Gluten Free Bible ( 10 bucks at B&N!). I invite you to walk through this journey with me. Walk with me through the victories and the defeats, through the glorious scones and the crumbly breads. I promise lots of pictures and in true Laura style, humor. Learn to look at the sunny side of being gluten free with me. Because I am quite sure there is one. And for now I leave you with this bad picture I drew of an egg in paint. You're welcome.
Love it! I can't wait. :-)